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Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day.

My semi-worthless-former-boyfriend once told me he didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day because he didn’t need Hallmark to tell him how to show his affection. My son tried that once with Mother’s Day and I quickly put a stop to it.

Anna Jarvis came up with the idea of Mother’s Day as a way to honor the sacrifices mothers made for their children. She thought American holidays – and America in general – was biased towards male achievements. In 1914, then-President Woodrow Wilson decreed the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day.

Ironically, Anna Jarvis was also the one who tried to put a stop to it some six years later, saying it had become too commercialized. She thought that was bad? If she could only see it now! According to Statista Research Department, in 2021, Americans were estimated to spend $28 billion on Mother’s Day, with at least $1 billion on greeting cards alone!

I had a wonderful lunch yesterday with my kids and oldest granddaughter. We went to a new (for me) restaurant. It was the first time I had been in a restaurant since March 15, 2020. I had crab and avocado eggs Benedict and as good as the food was (and even better the company) I couldn’t help but wish it was for another occasion.

Our mother died in March 2002 and Mother’s Day turned into such a bittersweet holiday for me. I love the attention my kids pay me. but miss my mom more than words can say. My sister went into a deep depression in early May, one that was difficult from which to recover.

I thought it was just us, but realized yesterday just how painful this day can be. Social media reminded me how many friends have lost their mothers and struggle through this day. They don’t need a national holiday to point this out. Even worse, I know so many who have lost a child and I think how cruel this day is for them to be reminded so callously of that missing part of their hearts.

When I was growing up in the 60s, ladies sometimes wore corsages to church and on Mother’s Day they wore a red rose if their mother was still living, a white rose if she was gone. Our church had an older congregation and I remember so very many white roses. I know now the emptiness those ladies felt.

Maybe Anna Jarvis was right. Maybe we need to get rid of one day and honor our mothers every day. tells us a fair market salary is $184,820, based on an average of 106 hours each week. That deserves more than lunch or bubble bath or flowers once a year.

Thank your mom every day.

Be grateful you have her in your life.

Don’t forget to tell her that you love her.

It matters to her – and it will matter to you when she’s gone.

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